- 商品簡介:
- 《POK-PONG巫毒娃娃系列》來自於泰國神秘巫術,「If you love me I protect you at anytime …」不需要特別的照顧,只要每天將它攜帶在身邊,不論是掛在手機上或者包包上,它都會給你,你所需要的幫助。POK-PONG有很多同伴,而這些同伴們則擁有著不同的神祕力量喔!
- 【POK-PONG巫毒娃娃】孫悟空吊飾自動鉛筆(金運),Golden Monkey孫悟空的神祕力量,每天攜帶在身邊,七十二變的魔法,為你招來金運喔!
*Golden Monkey孫悟空-金運
特價 $249 搶購

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【Daily Haokang】
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【Daily Haokang】
★ daily Haokang want to know to purchase, payment, and delivery, please click on text or pictures] [link to the product purchase page, there will be a more detailed description published products. ★ if limited, limited, according to the time-based transaction system.